Jon Kabat Zinn describes 7 Attitudes of Mindfulness –
Beginner’s mind, Non-judgemental, Trust, Letting-go, Non-striving, Acceptance, Patience.
These are described beautifully in a poem.
This tree is perfect
Planted solid, it’s hard, patterned trunk fixed.
The bark a love heart engraved, its own tattoo.
Bits fraying, cracks everywhere, so rough, yet colourful shades of brown, green, yellow and red.
Not for comparison or judgement for it stands true to its form.
This tree is perfect, it is this tree
Its roots like fingers sprawling beneath
Spreading, at first like thick posts, out of view.
As years pass they taper to fine lace filigree weaving through stones and debris – drifting towards their target
Unplanned, without strife, roots extend, meeting their needs as nature intended.
Water drawn to the light,
Drawn upwards
Infiltrating each branch, each bough, the twigs, the leaves and out into the sky, joining molecules from forever.
The water will come again as rain, it will come when its time is due, no need to wait. In patience the tree will stand.
This tree is perfect; it is this tree.
The rain, the sun, and spring over and their work now done. The blossoms bloom,
The blossom so pink, so beautiful. The tree, each year the same.
The tree its blossom so pink so beautiful, it does the trick.
Buzzing and swarming the bees, the flies, and the insects.
Trusting in its bloom, again it lures them in.
The trees gift to those who see, the colour the wonder.
Each year the same, fertilization and a seed will grow.
But no, the winds are strong the blossom old. Life so fragile.
Flowers ripped from their stalks, scattered in howling gales
Dropped onto brick, onto tarmac. No chance of life. The seed is gone. Dead.
But planted solid, it’s hard, patterned trunk fixed.
The bark a love heart engraved, its own tattoo.
Bits fraying, cracks everywhere, rough, yet colourful shades of brown, green, yellow and red
This tree is perfect.
This is life, the calm acceptance, rain will fall, bees will buzz. New life will be.
Steady as she stands, the summer not yet gone. Her beauty still abundant.
The strong green leaves,
Green begins to fade.
Brown, beige, rust, yellow, purple, grey
The leaf has done its job.
The leaf temporary, a passing joy. Providing energy, hope and shelter.
Its purpose over, the branch lets it go. Falling, falling hitting soft earth it rests
The leaf, its journey, so short. From February to October
Through bud to full grown leaf
From green to brown
Travelling from tree high, to solid ground.
The leaf’s journey to be copied by so many to come.
And the soil a witness to the thousands already passed.
But for our leaf, the journey was all new to have, never done before.
It’s first.
This tree is perfect. It is this tree.