How can I support someone with anxiety?

Emma treats those with anxiety, using a variety of techniques including mindfulness and grounding.

Why is it difficult to support someone with anxiety ?

If you have not experienced the debilitating effect of anxiety, it can be very difficult to offer empathy or understanding to someone who has. I have written this blog to help you understand how to empathise and support a loved one with anxiety.

Some people struggle to understand anxiety and how it can be so crippling. A few individuals are dismissive of anxiety and minimalize it. This attitude is not helpful because it undermines the impact of poor mental health on society. This also implies someone suffering anxiety is somehow responsible or inadequate for not being able to manage the complexities of their experience.

An ‘anxiety attack’ is not something we can stop using rational discussion. Anxiety is a response triggered in the brain which interpretates information it receives externally and internally. Once our nervous system has been activated a cascade of physiological changes occur or are primed for action. Telling someone to stop this cascade is like asking someone to decrease their heart rate when they start to exercise. Offering support to someone with anxiety is more about being with them rather than talking at them.

The information that triggers the anxiety response comes from many sources. How individuals might interpret that information is based on genetics, up-bringing, social positioning, past experience, awareness, and education. If you have not been in that person’s shoes you are not in a position to judge their anxiety.

A simple guide to anxiety

  • Anxiety is a response to danger (real, perceived or imaginary)
  • An individual cannot stop being anxious because you tell them to
  • Anxiety may be irrational
  • Anxiety can start slowly or quickly
  • Anxiety is a physiological response, the further it has progressed the less easy it is to modify
  • Someone whose anxiety builds slowly can be helped to prevent it escalating.
  • Anxiety is often a result of a pattern of sustained thoughts and actions that have occurred over years
  • Long term treatment addresses the habitual process that has caused the anxiety
  • A panic attack is an extreme form of anxiety

If you want to read a little more about anxiety visit Thoughts and Anxiety -Using Psychotherapy and Mindfulness to alleviate fretful thinking

How to support someone with anxiety

  • When they are very anxious or panicking-
    • Keep calm. Calmness is contagious, this is recognised when a baby is immediately calmed by the soothing voice of their mother. If you can get grounded and your breathing and heart rate is stable this confers calmness to others
    • Draw their attention, not necessarily just words but eye contact and if appropriate hand holding.
    • Encourage them to look at you
    • Consciously slow your breath and invite them to slow their breathe with yours.
    • Talk slowly and with purpose
    • Continue to encourage eye contact.
    • Suggest they place their feet firmly on the ground
    • To bring them back to the reality of the present moment encourage them to pay attention to things they can sense, ask them what colour clothing you have, or whether they can feel the ground, or air on their face.
    • You will begin to see their posture relax and them becoming calmer, this is when you can talk. Start with reassurance, ‘you are safe’, ‘I’m here’ ‘do you need anything?’
    • Only when they are back in a safe environment and recognise what happened can you ask them about what they were anxious about.
  • When they are generally anxious (and tearful)

Those suffering Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) may have varying degrees of anxiety most of the time. Here are some ideas for you to try when they are at their low point.

    • If you know what makes your loved one happy and relaxed try to encourage them to do these things.
    • Gentle, regular and frequent encouragement is important.
    • It can be disheartening for your attempts to engage to be constantly turned down, but don’t give up.
    • Those with GAD can be anxious in large groups, or busy settings. Be prepared to invite yourself in for a coffee, or take them for a short walk.
    • Build on these activities. If you have a friendship group or close relatives you might want to set up a support hub where each takes a responsibility  for a daily connection with your loved one.
    • Someone with GAD gets safety and stability from knowing friends and family are consistent and reliable. Don’t over promise.
  • How does employment help someone with anxiety?
    •  Work can be a cause of stress but it can also provide a normal and familiar environment which is calming for the nervous system.
    • Generally some time off work after a long period of anxiety will help your loved one recover.
    • Mental exhaustion may not be very visible but your loved one may show symptoms of not being able to concentrate, or make decisions, feeling tired but not able to sleep, being edgy but not able to settle to do something.
    • Someone at work with mental exhaustion can feel very inadequate, unfulfilled, disillusioned and have steadily decreasing self belief. All these will make anxiety worse and potentially turn to depression.
    • If you suspect work is part of the problem discuss this with them.
    • Accepting the impact of GAD on life choices is hard, but small changes such as reduced working hours, change of locality, change in job role can be really beneficial. Try talking this through with them.
  • How to help your loved one manage their Generalized Anxiety Disorder

GAD as with most anxiety, can be well manged, I find people can return to a life with normal levels of anxiety with psychotherapy and/or appropriate medication, however in times of difficulty it can return.

Counselling and psychotherapy can help by providing a safe space to understand anxiety at a physiological level and an experiential level. A good therapist will enable a person with anxiety to understand when their thoughts and beliefs contribute to anxiety and help them to have a different relationship to thoughts. You might be able to do this too, but because there is an emotional attachment between you and your loved one it can be a lot harder and create frustration and animosity which is then counterproductive.




    • Encourage your loved one to seek outside support Counselling for anxiety.
    •  Have your own support network away from your loved one. It can be hard to continually be supportive and patient.
    • Learn to recognise what is a thought and what is reality. This is important to enable you to stop engaging with their anxious thoughts.
    • Do some research to help understand more about anxiety.
    • Healing from anxiety involves changing neuropathways in the brain, it therefore can take time. The longer the anxiety has been going on the longer the healing.
    • To repeat myself, being calm during a crisis is one of the most helpful things you can be. Calmness is contagious.

In summary

Anxiety can happen to anyone, some people, possibly due to their experiences, genetics and their childhood are more likely than others to suffer.

Anxiety is the body’s way of saying ‘I sense danger and I need to be ultra-vigilant’.

Feelings of anxiety may not be justified, as there is no danger, but an anxious person cannot always hear that truth, so it is not helpful to repeat ‘Don’t worry everything is fine’.

If you can be calm, patient, consistent, reliable and show empathy you are giving them safety to experience their environment as safe too.


Book Review: A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled by Ruby Wax

Thoughts and Anxiety -Using Psychotherapy and Mindfulness to alleviate fretful thinking

Counselling can be for anyone.